Poem: Write in Every Way


Poem: Write in Every Way

Write in Every Way

by Harith Morgan

The next poem you write will suck.
write anyway.

You've been away from the page long enough
for every scratch of your pen to sound like "out of practice".
write anyway.

You have feelings and thoughts that know only how
to detangle themselves in the turning of phrases.
write everyday.

You've no idea where poetry shall take you,
but you've felt the power in these wings unfurling.
write everyday.

You worry that memory let slip
whatever emotions might ignite your words.
write anyway.

You thank God for a peaceful life just as you grapple
with an insecurity that you do not have
the rough childhood characteristic of great writers.
write anyway.

You have laid the burdens of your sins upon this parchment,
now you are certain that page wants no more of it.
write any day.

You are still learning what it is to be a poet
what it is to write
what it is to rhyme
what it is to tell a story.
write in every way.

You. are. a poet.
and you shall be one for as long as the thoughts in your mind
feelings in your heart
prayers from your soul
ache to dance from the tip of your pen
yearn to leap from the tip of your tongue
beg to surface from the depths of your being
and land upon pages, eardrums, and the conscience of those destined to remember God in your words.


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