Why Blog?


Why Blog?

"Why Blog?" I just turned 24. I just culminated the last of my formal engineering schooling. In these moments before I'm thrust into the workforce, I find myself without obvious purpose. Do not
mistake me, I've given much thought to my larger ambitions in life and there are goals on my horizon. But even so, at this moment these larger ambitions only offer so much to structure my days.

Let's rewind a little.

My name is Harith. I've been a student my whole life. As any Black middle class child of Caribbean heritage will tell you, education is everything. Before I knew my ABC's, I was somehow clear that my life would be full of school. That's a beautiful thing. In most ways. School done correctly is the epitome of self-edification, the key to upward mobility, and most importantly(at least for this post) it confers a sense of purpose. The pursuit of a report card, or diploma, or a degree is an all-consuming endeavor. It is consuming so much so that it makes it possible---I daresay inevitable---that we leave off consideration for what we might otherwise have fill our lives.

I found enjoyment in making things as a child, and I weaved that into my academic ambitions until pursuing engineering was a no-brainer. But I barely make things now. That is not to say that engineers don't use their hands, but somehow the magic ingredient of this sauce was siphoned away until I was left with an education that could fill my life while merely resembling my passions.
Perhaps, I bought into the notion that this was all preparation and that some day in the near, but yet to be conceived future, my passions would re enter and my life could begin in earnest. For the better part of 24 years I nursed this notion. But I've graduated now, and before I am sucked into the next pre-programmed people cycle I want to assert...I want to prove to myself that Life starts right now.

I love to make things. So I'll make things. I want to practice curiosity. So I'll create a space that will push me to consider the unknown. I want to learn to tell stories. So I will speak my truth, my thoughts, my discoveries; and these are stories unto themselves. I want to be heard.
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